Most disliked male Final Fantasy characters

Top three things that are my blog post

I did a post on what my top three final fantasy game are a year ago,
so I thought I do something on this topic again, since it was fun to write up and you peeps get to read what male final fantasy characters are disliked (understatement) this time round.

However, there isn’t any particular order. So without further ado, here are the characters.


Final Fantasy XV Noctis being a heart throb
I’m so not like Cloud!

Where do I begin with this idiot? Bland, boring, whiny. Noctis has one of the blandest personality for a lead in FF. I really just couldn’t get him. He was just nonchalant about everything. How… how do some fans even like this character??. He’s not that good. The only thing that made FFXV were: Ignis, Gladio and Prompto. They had more personality, added to the story than this useless, pampered lump. Oh, wait, all because of that other useless sack Luna. Wow.. yeah … no. Yeah, that garbage so-called “love story” between Luna and Noctis. Lame!!!!. Here I thought Tidus and Yuna was a bad love story, still better than twilight though! (I digress). Also, yeah he resembles another disliked FF character.


Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth being bad ass
Look in to my eyes and like FFVII

Will not be going in much detail or rather not write much on this character, since I’ve done a post highlighting as to why I dislike Sephiroth. What I will do is insert a plug link. And a small insert from the post.

Sephiroth is a badly written mess of a villain. His origins is vaguely touched upon by reading a whole bunch of documents, then he suddenly goes insane?. And declares everyone his enemy?. Come on!!. What utter nonsense.

Cloud Strife:

Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife being cool
Dude, where’s my buster sword??

Ah yes, the “cool, badass” character that started my heavy dislike of FF VII. Another bland, dry, uninspiring, delusional, badly written character. By the way, that sword Cloud wields, that’s not even his!!. Besides Cloud’s lame sword skills and going all emo on us in that tripe advent children, is because he has a connection with Tifa “I’m so cute looking in a mini-skirt” Lockheart (no, you don’t look cute). The other reason why Noctis is liked is that he resembles this idiot. Only a much younger version of him. And fans hate on Light saying that she is a male equivalent of Cloud. Get real!. Out of all the FF games being asked for a remake, this crap got screamed for the most.


Do you have any final fantasy characters you dislike, if so why?. As always peeps, scribble down your thoughts on my wall.

8 responses to “Most disliked male Final Fantasy characters”

  1. Ohhh I’m surpirsed to see Cloud on here. Though I have yet to make it through FFVII, i know that this game in particular is one of those most beloved in the FF world too. Interesting list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Zel :). Yeah FFVII is pretty much loved. I wouldn’t say it’s one of the best, most certainly do put it up there. As with FXV, let me know on how you got on.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I personally like Noctis myself. I think a better villain than Sephiroth would be Ardyn from FFXV.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] I did a most disliked male FF characters, why be biased. Why not do a female disliked post. Also this post will certainly NOT go down […]


  4. The Otaku Judge Avatar
    The Otaku Judge

    Sephiroth looks cool, but doesn’t have much else going for him. Cloud is a bit bland, but I rate him higher than Vaan and some of the FF13 cast.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree Vaan isn’t a strong lead

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  5. I really disliked Snow from Final Fantasy XIII. He just whined all the time because his girlfriend died. It was really annoying.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can see why, he is way too “loved” up with Serah. The interactions with him though were kinda spaced out so you didn’t had to put up with him as often.

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