Getting myself creative is an award?!?!?!

Thanks to Mangka-kun over at Jaysonchase for nominating me for the creative blog award. Always good to see a very energetic blogger. So lets get started then :D.


#1.  When you accept the award given please post it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and link to his or her blog.
#2.  Nominate other bloggers who you feel fit the criteria of a Creative Blogger, there is no mention of how many so you choose!
#3. Then have them share five random facts about themselves with their community.


  1. I love eating crisps (or potato chips if American) – don’t have a favourite brand or flavour, though I’m partial to McCoy mature cheese and onion / sizzlin’ prawn
  2. Used to hate tomato when I was a kid – now I love them
  3. I pretty much prefer good old, tap water. Best when its nice and cold
  4. Prefer tea over coffee. Earl grey with sugar and milk
  5. Love like cookies and milk – always a favourite


Here are the lucky peeps that have been nominated




The One about Anime

*** ______***

And there you have it folks. I do apologise for not posting anything up all this week. Just been busy with GW2 and power watching Fairy tail (back tracked to season 6 to get some context on to 2014 or season 7 aka the grand magic arc). Ultear is my fav character!!. I’ll try to post some things up for the remainder of the week.

3 responses to “Getting myself creative is an award?!?!?!”

  1. The Otaku Judge Avatar
    The Otaku Judge

    I am a bit like you when it comes to tomatoes. In the past I couldn’t stand them, but now I don’t mind eating em. The same applies to sprouts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I guess as we get older we appreciate more of the things we didn’t like or took for granted when we were kids.

      Liked by 1 person

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