Most disliked female Final Fantasy characters

Top three things that are my blog post

Since I did a most disliked male FF characters, why be biased.
Why not do a female disliked post. Also this post will certainly NOT go down well..welp.

Like the previous post, there is no particular order. So without further ado, here are the poor saps.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

I’m not going to rabble on too much about this overhyped useless idiot. What did Luna ever do in FFXV?. Do tell me, other than be some garbage love interest for that equally useless Noctis. Did she even add ANYTHING to the story? I played up to chpt 8 and dropped the game. Not once she did she ever add anything in the scenes that she was in. How, does a useless character get so much attention? She’s just useless!!!.

God, I do love FFVIII. However, Rinoa just pissed me right off. She is your typical “princess” in FFVIII. Granted, she shows far more spunk than most female FF characters. But to say she was strong? Nah she heavily relied on Squall to bail her out – all the time. Put it this way, every time she was on my team. I turned “traitor” (done so with glee and pride) by killing her – thus giving myself a handicap in fights. And, still got through the fight, just fine without the damn witch. Oh and her limit breaks are pathetic

Tiffa Lockheart

Bland, uninteresting. Not remotely strong. Oozing nothing but fan service. That’s what sums up Tiffa to me. It’s no coincidence that Tiffa’s popularity went through the roof after that garbage advent child. Simple, because she wasn’t seen as a fanservice character – she did nothing in advent children. All she did in FFVII was follow around Cloud, whilst secretly harbouring feelings for him, (yay! not). The only good thing she did was slap deluded Cloud back into reality.

On a side note: for cosplayers she is without a doubt the cheapest to do.

Press ya later!!!

17 responses to “Most disliked female Final Fantasy characters”

  1. I love Tifa! She’s my favorite character in the game and one of my all-time FF favorites.
    *spoilers for FFVII*
    She watched all her friends and family get murdered, is nearly killed herself, and the company responsible pretends it never happens. Can’t blame her for having rage, but it leads to more tragedy as she ends up being a terrorist. Then the guy she realized she liked after he left turns up, but what he says doesn’t match what she knows, and she feels at fault for his ultimate breakdown. I wouldn’t know if it was better to confront him or let him go on either, so I relate to her.
    Plus, later, Case of Tifa and AC just add to her character even more as she tries to form a new family and keep it together.
    *end spoilers*
    Plus, while everyone else uses weapons, Tifa is tearing up all the enemies with her own two fists and legs. She was always in my main team.
    Rinoa was always in my final party too. I love her Angelo limits and bonus actions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s perfectly fine Krystal :).You like Tiffa and Rinoa and you have valid reason for it. I wouldn’t let this post get you down. Rinoa’s limits just didn’t do it for me.


  2. Wow…so much hate for Rinoa…😮😮
    Honestly? I had a little crush on her back then….but I did play this game when I wasa teenager, so that was probably the reason lol 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tbf, when she was on my team via story I did that. In actually setting up my team. I picked Quistis. I didn’t bother picking Rinoa xDD. Don’t worry about it, funny enough I had a small crush on Quistis as well xDD. That explains why she was picked xDD.

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      1. Haha…okay that makes me feel a whole lot better 😂😂 Thought I was the only one who developped crushes on game characters as a kid 😂😂

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  3. I haven’t finished FFXV yet, but I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Other than being a background character or whatever, I don’t know how else she contributes besides helping out Noctis by going ahead of him and being his betrothed?

    I’m not familiar with the other FF girls, thankfully none of my faves made the dislike list! Now, I have to go check out the other list that inspired this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let me know of what you thought of FF VII & XV Zel :D. Yeah I didn’t find her that interesting, Iris Gladio’s sister I did find interesting.

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  4. Hmmm… These were not the characters I was waiting to see 😛 How do you put Rinoa and Tiffa, but do not put Dagger from Final Fantasy IX? And, talking about useless, what about Penelope from Final Fantasy XII xD

    Tastes should not be discussed though, so I’ll just give my opinion xD

    Lunafreya just shows her power after chapter 8, so you’ll have to pay a bit more. However, don’t expect much, Final Fantasy XV story overall is a mess and not interesting. This way, of course, Lunafreya will also not be really that interesting. In fact, I ask myself which character is good in this game, but well, FF XV has a special place in my heart… In the rage side.

    I do like Rinoa, but, yes you are true. She is not really that special. However, I think she has the heart in the right place and she is the only one who is able to reach Squall. In fact, most of the character development in Squall is done because of Rinoa. Even though she may not be the strongest out there, I think she is a great character to add to the plot.

    Now… Tiffa… Maaaan… She’s my favorite character from all time XD And when I like her I wasn’t even able to know what fanservice was. It was also a decade before advent children came out or something like that.

    This is why I like Tiffa so much. She’s basically one of the kindest people out there. She loves Cloud, that’s true, but it’s her friend that works the best for me. She is always there for him and to help him, no matter what happens, no matter how low Cloud goes, she will be there to do everything right.

    She also knows Clouds’ heart belongs to Aeris. But, she doesn’t stop caring for him even if that’s true. To me, Tiffa is one of the most important characters in the Final Fantasy VII plot. Meaning, she’s the one that everyone likes and can count on her.

    Moreover, she’s strong if you level her up and has one of the funniest limits of the game where depending on how you do it, she will have more or fewer attacks 😛

    When it comes to Final Fantasy Advent Children, I can’t understand why you say she’s only there for the fanservice. She’s one of the main characters in FF7, so, of course, she will be there. Is she pretty? Well, yeah, as are all female characters from Final Fantasy. She is there as she always was in FF7, to be the right arm of Cloud and the person he goes to when he doesn’t know what to do xD

    So, yeah, can’t say I would agree with your list – maybe Lunafreya – but well, everyone has their opinions xD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That explains how I dragged myself to chpt 8 then, literally dragging myself. I do agree FFXV is a mess, the amount of times I was just thinking “this is boring” was too often. Glad, Ignis, Prompt made the game bearable.

      I do agree with you, she was the only one able to reach Squall. I disagree on she being the sole reason – the rest of the cast did make an impact, just not as strong. Once he started to open up a little, her role diminished. Her personality and her abilities were just annoying.

      I’ll clarify, Tiffa design in FFVII (1997) is fanservice. When AC came out in 2005, her entire look was redesigned so she was less fanservice, she wore more moderately, but still kicked ass. That’s why I asserted that her popularity went up because of AC not VII – back then JRPGs were a niche. Think of Lara Croft. Once they toned down her fanservice and upped her ass kicking skills, women became warmer to the character.

      I always found Cait Sith having a funny one XDD.

      By default Aerith went on a date with Cloud. I vaguely remember if you did something, you could either get Yuffie or Tiffa to go out on a date with him. I also think it is the guilt he has for not saving Aerith.

      You could say Dagger, Penelope and various other FF female characters are also kind. This isn’t exclusive to Tiffa. As for Penelope XDD – that wallflower. Most of FFXII cast weren’t that memorable. Dagger exemplified the typical “princess” in the early FF games back then.

      Yah, opinions and tastes will always differ :P.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just wanted to add something… You can also go on a date with Barret 🤣🤣🤣

        But, yes. By default it was Aerith. Depending on your answers and behaviour throughout the game the characters will “like” you more or less, changing the person you have a date with.

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  5. I can sense a lot of anger coming your way from this one

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I doubt it, my posts pretty much go unnoticed for the most part xDD.


        1. don’t worry about it though xDD

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  6. Nice choices. I haven’t played FFVIII so I can’t comment on Rinoa. I think Tifa is just the fanservice for fans who play FFVII. I like her, but I think I am interested on Aerith/Aeris. I have played FFXV and I agree with you Lunafreya. I had high hopes of her in the game. Rather than caring for her, I think I like the other girls in the game like Cindy, Iris and Aranea.

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    1. You can play VIII and VII on steam. Don’t expect them to have outstanding graphics xDD. Iris certainly caught my attention, too bad she got shoved aside for Luna. Yeah agree on Tiffa.

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      1. I am actually playing FFVII and I am impressed on the graphics lol. I wish they do a HD game for VIII for PS4 like they did for 7 and 9. After playing FFXV, I think I like more of Iris.

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